If you’ve ever witnessed an extensive demolition, you’ll notice that a tremendous amount of dust is kicked up in the process. Regardless of size, from soaring high-rise buildings to smaller homes, some dust is to be expected during any demolition. Though most demolition dust dissipates quickly, many municipalities are enacting demolition regulations that require dust management systems during the demolition of structures built before a specific time period to limit pollution from airborne particulate. Even places where dust management isn’t highly regulated, many demolition professionals are electing to enhance their dust management protocol. One such method is known as the “Wet Wet Wet” Dust Suppression Method.

Step 1: Wet - Before

Before any demolition is to commence, the structure is sprayed thoroughly with water. Exterior panels may be removed, and windows may be opened for the sprayed water to coat the maximum amount of demolished material.

Step 2: Wet - During

During mechanical demolition, a specialist sprays the point of demolition to limit the amount of dust released into the air. When dust and particulate are made wet, the likelihood that they will contaminate the surrounding air for the public and the demolition teams is significantly reduced. 

Step 3: Wet - Following

Following the complete demolition of a structure, the debris from the construction is carefully lifted and hauled away for disposal in a landfill or to be recycled. During this process, dust from the materials is still present and can be released into the air. A specialist continues to spray the moving debris to keep dust and particulate from contaminating the air.

Managed Water Levels from Dust Management

Another concern of demolition professionals using the “Wet Wet Wet” Method is the contamination of the grounds via water runoff. To keep water contaminated with lead or other hazardous substances from contaminating other areas, the amount of water sprayed is carefully managed. In some instances, water is not as much sprayed as it is applied in a mist to specific locations to keep the dust from contaminating surrounding areas.

Equipment-Mounted High-Pressure Dust Suppression Systems

For more substantial demolition that utilizes far-reaching demolition equipment, sprayed water from a distance may not reach the demolition site. In these instances, demolition professionals may use mounted water spraying or misting systems on the demolition equipment itself. These systems allow for precise dust suppression at the point of demolition while reducing contaminated water runoff.

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